Lead Pastors – Pastor Dave & Julie McLean

Assistant Pastor – Pastor Jeff & Susan Brown

Our mission is the Great Commission given to the church by Jesus in Matthew 28:19 when He said:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Our mandate is to make disciples
The problem is that the term disciple is not common today. What is a disciple? How can we make disciples if we are not clear what one is?
We set out a number of years ago determined to clearly define what a disciple is so that our church would stay on mission. We searched the Bible for a clear definition and discovered how Jesus’ disciple John addressed the early church in 1 John 2. He wrote, “I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven you for His name’s sake. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one.”
From these 2 verses we saw a progression of a follower of Jesus and determined to define a disciple as:
- Born Again
Jesus said in John 3:3, “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”’ The first step to becoming a disciple is to first begin following Him and “declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) - Little Children
Little children are completely dependent on others to feed them, teach them, and clean up after their messes. In the same way a New Believer is dependent on others to feed them the Word, to teach them how to pray and connect with God, and to give them grace when they make mistakes. - Young Men
John also addressed members of the church he called young men. Young men are independent. They have the ability to feed themselves and are strong. In the same way believers who remain in the Word will grow strong and will learn how to feed themselves on the Word, in prayer, and in worship. They become strong and overcome temptation, discouragement, and the evil one. - Fathers
Fathers are those who are now responsible for others. They feed others, teach others, and help others grow up. This is the ultimate goal and defines what it means to be a complete disciple. The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:15 that the problem with the church in Corinth was that they didn’t have enough fathers. We strive to be a church who produces disciples who disciple others.
The 10 Tenants of Abundant Life Victory Church and Victory Churches International – VCI
- God is the Author of Victory Churches.
- God is the source of all our needs – financial, spiritual, physical, relational, or otherwise.
- We have a lifetime commitment to our vision.
- We purpose to be continually renewed in our vision and our mind.
- People are the focus of our ministry, not programs.
- We believe every problem can get solved.
- Teamwork and agreement is the place of power.
- We seek to lead through relationship rather than position.
- We are committed to increase, as opposed to maintenance.
- We hold the Word of God to be true and every contrary circumstance subject to change.
Abundant Life Victory Church Statement of Faith
We Believe…
- In one true and living God, eternally existing and revealed to us as the Father, Creator of all things; the Son Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, and the Holy Spirit.
- In the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, death for our sins, bodily resurrection, ascension unto God, and imminent return in power and glory.
- The Holy Scriptures are the inspired and complete revelation of God’s will concerning man’s salvation through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- That men are saved solely through faith in God’s grace as displayed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- In water baptism as a real transformational process, commanded by Jesus Christ, whereby the old man dies with Christ and the new man rises with Christ to walk a life of holiness and love.
- In the unity of all true believers as members of the universal body of Christ regardless of denomination affiliation.
- In the celebration of Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of Jesus’ death on the cross.
- In the ministry of the Holy Spirit:
- by the inward witness of salvation to the believer.
- by daily guidance and the growth of Christ-like character
- by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, an experience distinct from and following the new birth.
- By the manifestation of the supernatural gifts of the Spirit as listed in 1 Corinthians 12: 8-10.
- That Jesus Christ is coming again to gather all His saints unto Himself.
- That following His return, Jesus Christ will rule and reign for one thousand years on the earth. After this there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
Our vision answers what we will do as a local church to fulfill the Great Commission. Therefore, our vision is to:
- Reach every available person by every available means at every available time with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Teach and father them to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
- Mobilize and equip them for the work of the ministry.
We want to create irresistible environments, a place where you will feel confident to bring an unchurched friend or family member, a place you know they will be loved and welcomed and not judged.
Engaging Communication, that is practical common sense teaching that provides helpful content. A place where they will meet Jesus and find the hope they are looking for. We don’t want to be the ones who stand in the way of people meeting Jesus.
We want to create environments where kids cannot wait to get to. The best hour of their week. They will drag their parents to church because they cannot miss it.
We want to create environments where students (high school and college students) would stay so connected to Jesus and understand their faith in such a way that when they become adults they would not wander from it.
Our vision takes it’s cue from the verse in Acts 15:19 where James, the brother of Jesus declared to the early church leaders that “we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.”
When Pastor Dave Meyer became the first pastor of “Abundant Life Fellowship,” our philosophy was “Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness.” Over the years a lot has happened. We changed our name to “Abundant Life Victory Church” when we joined Victory Churches International. Many pastors came and faithfully served and helped make Abundant Life Victory Church what it is today.
Today our philosophy still revolves around “Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness,” but the last several months have gotten us thinking about Fresh Starts”. If the years have taught us anything, it is this, “Everyone deserves a Fresh Start.”
As a church, we have gone from the Keddy’s Motel to the Butler Centre, and finally, we built our church in Bible Hill. Our first service in our new building was on October 26, 1990. Over the years, we had to be very flexible to have services and minister to our community. But it was all worth it.
In April 2016, Pastors Dave & Julie McLean came to be our Lead Pastors. As a result, we went from a struggling church to a thriving church. Today, God is moving at My Abundant Life. Now it is time for you to become part of Abundant Life Victory Church history.
Our church meets together each Sunday at 10:30 AM for a time of worship, We meet to pray as a community on Tuesday mornings at 6:00 AM, and Tuesday nights at 6:00 PM.
Details are available by calling our office at Abundant Life at 902.895.LIFE (5433). Come visit, learn, connect, and make new friends!